Coming out of a whirlwind of 2018 and into 2019, it’s only natural that I am pulled to make this year a year of continued growth, full of hopes and dreams. Goals are the starting point, and many people can have goals, but not everyone knows how to create vision for those goals.
“How am I going to take my goals and make them a reality?”
1. Find your motivation, your passion, and your grit
Goals are great, but they are nothing unless you have the motivation to complete them. Do you have the stamina to do anything and everything to accomplish what it is you set out to do? I think grit, or courage and resolve, is something some people are born with but is definitely something that can be learned. If you find yourself down and out and unable to pick up and start – go for a walk or stretch. I always find that making my body active results in a proactive mind.
2. Surround yourself with God and like-minded people
I’m a firm believer that you can do anything if you have God and an amazing community by your side. God gives you the assurance that you can, and your community holds you accountable so that you will. For so long I counted on my own abilities to get things done. “I don’t need anyone. I got this.” But it’s so far from the truth. If you are having trouble finding good people to surround yourself with, go where you can do things you love to do. I found an amazing community at church and in the acro community and they are all people that want to grow and be better – and bonus – a lot of these people have the same goals! This makes it easy to stay in it and accomplish what I set out to do.
3. Check in, and count the small wins as wins
As the year goes on it is so easy to forget about your goals in the busy of your life. Set reminders to check in and remember that St. Petersburg and the Tampa Bay was not built in a day! Count your small wins as wins on your journey to the bigger picture. You got this.
*Literally using all of these as reminders for myself for the below*
Kera Photography’s 2019 Goals!
How can I help keep you accountable to your 2019 goals? I’d love to help! Let’s connect and do this together!